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PD Dr. Robert Nölken
Lindau, Deutschland
1986-1991: University in Frankfurt / Main, Germany, School of Medicine and Dentistry. 1991-1994: Specialisation in Oral Surgery, Prof. Dr. Dr. Ralf Schmidseder, Frankfurt / Main, Germany. 1994: Thesis "Pathological Changes in the Anterior Horn of the Spinal Cord in Alzheimer's Disease", "Dr. Med. Dent.". 1995: Private practice for Oral Surgery, Implantology, Periodontics and Micro-Endodontics in Lindau / Lake Constance. 2001: Appointed "Specialist in Periodontics" of the German Society for Periodontics. 2002: Erteilung des "Tätigkeitsschwerpunktes Implantologie" durch die Konsensuskonferenz Implantologie. 2004: "Specialist in Micro-endodontics" of the DGZ. 2005: Senior physician and researcher at the Clinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the University Hospital of Mainz, Germany, Head of the Department Prof. Dr. Dr. Wilfried Wagner. 2012: "Master of Science in Periodontics und Implant-Therapy". 2013: Completion of the habilitation procedure at the University Hospital of Mainz Awarded the title "Privatdozent". 2013: Appointment to the Faculty of the master course "Periodontics and implant therapy" the DGP and DIU (Dresden International University) Main topics. Specialist in Oral Surgery; Specialist of Periodontology of the DGP; Activity in Implantology; Main focus Endodontic.
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