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The German Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (DGÄZ) is pleased to announce their traditional invitation to the 11th International Esthetic Conference at Lake Tegernsee. Together with our cooperation partners - the German Association of Oral Implantology (DGI), the Italian Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry (AIOP), and the Seattle Study Club (SSC) - we are happy to welcome members of the dental community from all around the world.

Do you remember? Let us recall the milestone conference 'America meets Europe' organized by the DGÄZ in 2008. Today, speakers and participants alike still think back to the lively discussions, which were both controversial and instructive.

Following the extraordinary success of the 2013 IFED World Congress in Munich, the DGÄZ received ongoing highly positive feedback and has continued to make an impact in the community.

Tying in with this tradition, our 11th International Congress will scrutinize the current trends and developments in dentistry. The scientific program is planned by a well-known committee and aims to dive into detail as much as possible to generate answers relevant for our daily work in dentistry.

The scientific program especially, but also the industry workshops and the trade show, are always perceived as particular highlights. The new location offers a generous setting with plenty of space and excellent opportunities for knowledge exchange and to establish new friendships.

We highly appreciate your participation and recommend timely registration to get the early bird fee and, more importantly, to secure a hotel room reservation.

Let us continue our tradition of developing controversial discussions to optimize our skills for our daily work.

We welcome the international family of dentists and dental technicians in the new Event Arena at lake Tegernsee from October 6 to 8, 2016.


Bärbel Kahl-Nieke
Dear colleagues,

The largest professional challenges we face in our day-to-day work are concerned with conceptual planning of treatments. Though specializing in certain treatment areas is important, a holistic view of each patient should also be kept in mind.
Interdisciplinary communication and cautious strategic planning determine whether procedures are successful. Therefore, I, especially in my occupation as an orthodontist, am excited to announce that representatives from all specialties are present at the renowned international DGÄZ conference this year, and that planning and treatment across the disciplines is focal.
From a scientific perspective, it is to be seen as very positive that the necessary knowledge - this time in cooperation with the DGI - will be presented to you in a concentrated form during this conference.

Science meets practice, American philosophies of treatment encounter European ones. Controversies are to be anticipated and need sharply analyzed and summarized. We can expect to gather a large and exciting array of new insights and useful learnings from the list of exceptional speakers.

In retrospect of our first meeting in 2008, I am looking forward to an almost legendary upcoming event this year. In particular, I feel honored to contribute to shaping this event by giving a talk on one of my focal research areas. Please feel free to update your own personal 'State of the Art' during this promising communal conference!

I wish all participants a great event filled with animated professional and personal exchange and am looking forward to welcoming you to the beautiful lake Tegernsee.

Yours sincerely,

Prof. Dr. Bärbel Kahl-Nieke
President of the German Society of Dental, Oral and Craniomandibular Sciences (DGZMK)

Robert Sader
Dear colleagues,

I want to cordially invite you to come to the marvelous German lake of Tegernsee and to join the International Congress of the German Academy of Esthetic Dentistry DGÄZ.
The congress concept "America meets Europe" and the outstanding international faculty promise a high knowledge transfer by controversial, but efficient discussions in step with actual practice.
What are the challenges in both continents and are there really different treatment concepts and solutions? The immense progress in dental technology and treatment possibilities with the implicit upcoming controversies will be discussed and the two continental teams have to present their treatment solutions for complex patient cases. In competitive and fruitful discussions together and with the audience they have to stand up for their position.

I am looking forward to welcome you personally to this outstanding meeting combining highest scientific standards with Bavarian sociability. Yours sincerely,

Professor Robert Sader,
President of the German Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (DGÄZ)

Gerhard M. Iglhaut
Esthetics are not an end in itself, but ideally rather the results of dental treatment that takes its inspiration from nature.

Modern concepts of implantology aid us in this and today allow restoration even in highly complex cases. However, as the range of possibili-ties grows, so do our and our patients' expectations of therapeutic results.
No one field offers solutions and concepts for the complex challenges of modern dental medicine: progress can result only from interdisciplinary cooperation.

Especially when this cooperation occurs across international borders, or, as is the case with the 11th international DGÄZ conference, across the Atlantic, I expect to see inspiring and enlightening out-comes.

Priv. Doz. Dr. med. dent. Gerhard M. Iglhaut, Memmingen
Past-President of the German Association of Oral Implantology (DGI)

Fabio Carboncini
Dear colleagues,

The Italian Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry (AIOP) is looking forward to welcoming you in Tegernsee on the occasion of the DGÄZ 11th International Conference.

The Scientific Committee has provided a very interesting program: some of the most well known speakers, pooled together as two different teams, will face on stage showing their approach in treating challenging cases.
In addition, several more speakers will go deeply into hot topics of our daily work, in order to set up the state of the art in dentistry.

AIOP is really proud to be a partner of the worldwide famous scientific societies and to have the chance of sharing its knowledge in prosthetic dentistry.

Don't miss this unique event!

Fabio Carboncini,
President of Italien Academy of Prosthodontics (AIOP)

Michael Cohen
The Seattle Study Club organization is thrilled to join the German Academy of Esthetic Dentistry in welcoming you to a special gathering of clinicians from near and far, all committed to a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach to treatment.

Through lectures and interactive sessions at this summit, the value and benefits of a collaborative case planning environment should become more clear and impact the way we think about practicing dentistry.

In SSC tradition, all in attendance will be encouraged to engage fellow attendees and create opportunities for spirited discussion following each session.

We look forward to bringing together a community of like-minded clinicians, all willing to share their experience and knowledge.

A gathering not to be missed!

Michael Cohen,
Seattle Study Club USA (SSC)
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