Peri-implant tissue architecture: blueprints for the modern imagination
Thursday - May 22nd, 10.00 - 12.30
Conventional concepts in esthetic dental treatment generally focus on modifying tooth form and colour. Today, it is unquestionably recognized that the interplay with the surrounding gingival framework plays an equally important role in achieving a pleasing esthetic treatment outcome. Similarly, the success of implant therapy is no longer judged by osseointegration alone, but increasingly with the same expectations as for conventional restorative treatment: quality and naturalness of the restoration, harmonious duplication of the surrounding tissue health, contour and colour. Surgical and restorative concepts and steps to meet these expectations will be discussed in "a blueprint for success":
- What can be realistically be expected in terms of soft/hard tissue architecture and long-term stability in single and multiple implant cases?
- Why is an evaluation protocol important to assess and monitor treatment results? What are the merits and limitations of current scoring systems such as the pink esthetic score?
- Which provisionalization protocols (techniques-, time- and biologic aspects) should be considered in your cases?
- How does the abutment design and material selection such as zirconia influence the long term soft tissue stability and is time of placement important?
- What considerations and protocols can be used to ensure proper cementation, minimizing the risk of subgingival cement trapping?
The lecture will answer the above questions and go into detail in the following aspects:
- Single implants.
- Surgical and prosthetic strategies for post-restoration tissue stability.
- Zirconia abutments placed at the time of surgery: indications/contraindications, preliminary results.
- Adjacent or multiple-unit implants.
- Strategies to preserve the interproximal papilla.
- Realistic expectations and risks.
- Implants and pontic sites.
- Creating the illusion of papillae: technique review.
- Indications/contraindications.